Sundays on Broadway
an ongoing series created by Cathy Weis Projects Weis Acres, 537 Broadway #3 FREE November 23, 2014 at 8pm Curated by Catherine Galasso featuring work by Andy de Groat and Jim Neu A cross-generational gathering and performance event that celebrates NY performance history and the contemporary question of archiving through the re-creation of works by seminal downtown artists Andy de Groat and Jim Neu. The evening includes readings of two short scenes written Neu, a live re-performance of de Groat's Rope Dance Translations from 1974, followed by a structured improvisation between young dancers and former Andy de Groat collaborators. Jim Neu scenes performed by Jess Barbagallo, Joshua William Gelb and Keith McDermott. Andy de Groat's Rope Dance Translations performed by Rachel Berman, Christine Bonansea, Patrick Gallagher and Buck Wanner. Discussion and improvisation by former Andy de Groat collaborators (special guests to be announced.) About Sundays on Broadway: In May 2014, Cathy Weis Projects launched Sundays on Broadway, a new, ongoing series featuring performances, discos, film screenings, dinner parties and all manner of affairs on Sunday evenings. All events begin at 8pm and are free and open to the public. The series is held at WeisAcres in SoHo, New York, at 537 Broadway #3 (between Prince and Spring Streets). Photos above by Lois Greenfield and Donna Ann McAdams I'm currently working on the remount of a Jim Neu play "The Floatones" with director Keith McDermott and a fantastic cast of downtown NYC performance-world stars: Jess Barbagallo, Joshua William Gelb, Larissa Velez-Jackson and Greg Zuccolo. We've got a work-in-progress performance coming up on March 24 at Dixon Place.
"The Floatones" is an experimental theater work in which four people form an "encounter support group” that sings about “post meaning” and being “content free” while consoling each other with idiosyncratic gestures and atonal harmonies. The play was written by the late downtown theater legend Jim Neu and premiered in 1995 at La MaMa's The Club starring Neu, Keith McDermott, Bill Rice and Mary Shultz. Catherine Galasso offers a fresh take on "The Floatones" in collaboration with a new generation of downtown performers. Keith McDermott (a director of Jim's plays for 15 years and a member of the original Floatones’ cast) is co-director and dramaturg. Galasso and McDermott will open the night with an excerpt from Neu's "Immediality." On The Cutting Edge of Legitimate: Works by Jim Neu Program includes: The Floatones ( Jess Barbagallo, Joshua William Gelb, Larissa Velez-Jackson and Greg Zuccolo ) Immediality ( Kristine Haruna Lee and Keith McDermott ) March 24, 2014 7:30pm Dixon Place 161 Chrystie Street New York, NY 10002 BUY TICKETS HERE |
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